LinqPad Source Control I often have a bunch of linqpad scripts for a specific project that I want to include in that project's source control. I also don't want to have to change my LinqPad source
Work Game Server DDoS Protection Swarm The first company I founded was running a network of dozens of Minecraft servers that supported around 15k concurrent players. Our servers were being constantly attacked with DDoS attacks, causing widespread disruption of
Work Work Sample - KPI Dashboard KPI Dashboard I built for ZenSales. It breaks all KPIs down weekly and quarterly. On the Upgrades To and Downgrades To columns, you can mouse over the stat for any week/quarter total
Visual Studio 2019 web page doesn't update when updating cshtml After Core 3.0, runtime compilation is enabled using the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation package. To enable runtime compilation, apps must:Install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation NuGet package.
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Tools Simple Raffle Form Use this simple raffle tool to collect names and email addresses at events. The results are stored locally on your device and nothing is transmitted over the internet - giving you maximum privacy,
Relationships Household revenue share My ex and I want to both contribute an equal percentage of our income to our household, but cap the total monthly contribution for both of us combined. For example, if I make
Setting up an Ubuntu Server Here's a quick script I run when first setting up an Ubuntu server. Makes it a little easier to use, a little more secure. Use Google's DNS Automatically sync time Install Zip, screen,
Code Windows Junk Folder - Open a new "junk" folder on windows with a single click ... a shortcut to a batch script that creates a new folder on my "junk" drive (j:) and opens the folder. One click, new folder to dump crap into. EZPZ.